“Woof’s Chronicles” unfolds as an interdimensional odyssey exploring the intricate connection between dogs and destiny, a creative blend of Star Wars and canine companionship.
I once had the pleasure of attending “An Evening with William Shatner,” where he shared insights into his life and entertaining anecdotes about his various roles, notably that of the iconic Captain James T. Kirk. What truly intrigued me, however, was a poignant moment when Shatner, gazing into his dog’s eyes, uttered the profound words, “I know that you know.” This heartfelt connection served as the inspiration for my novel, set in a dimension where dogs have the choice to embody human form, both on Earth and in the fantastical realm of Drea Madad.
The genesis of Woof’s Chronicles emerged from a creative blend of Star Wars and canine companionship. As a devoted dog owner, I’ve often pondered the intriguing idea that dogs might harbor a secret humanity, prompting me to explore the concept of swapping roles with our four-legged friends.Great news – Woof’s Chronicles – Book One – Transmutation is just the first book in the Woof’s Chronicles Trilogy.
Woof’s Chronicles –– Book Two – Resurrection continues the story as Ashley Thomas returns to Drea Madad, her birth home – to make sure that peace has returned. She ends up having to deal with an interdimensional threat to Earth!
Woof’s Chronicles – Book Three – Restoration finds Ashley in the midst of Interdimensional turmoil as her allies turn on her, a new dimension of robotic dogs is discovered, and Drea Madad is again under threat.
Woof’s Chronicles – Origination – is a novella that tells the story that leads to Ashley being sent to Earth.